Looking Back and Moving Forward

Today, apart from all the other things on my to- do list, I planned on updating this blog because that's what you do when you're unemployed. Ha! I started with the header. I wanted something new, fresh and clean and organized. I also thought about writing what went down in my life during the time I was away from here. But guess what? I ended up browsing through my blog and reading some of my old posts.

As I look back on each post, I sometimes cannot believe that it was written by me and some even felt like ages ago. It feels like somebody else is speaking. I am now a believer of the cliche that a lot can happen in one year and it is up to you what you make of it, how you learn and grow from it.

As another year begins, I look back on the past year with a very thankful heart for all the blessings and encounters that have come along my way. It was, by far, the most memorable and challenging year in my twenty- something years of existence here on earth. And now armed with those memories, I welcome the new year with high hopes, claiming that this will be another awesome, if not the most awesome year of our lives. *fingers crossed*


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